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Drone Design and Programming


Computer Science and Engineering Science


Dr. Marie Farson, Dr. Clint StaleyProfessor Brett Huffman

Program Summary

Want to learn how to design, program and fly drones? Then this FYE is for you. We are integrating two courses, Intro to Engineering and Intro to Programming, with the Integrated Learning Course (ILC) in this FYE program. We’ll explore ways in which drones can be used to perform tasks in the real world. What is the maximum payload a drone can lift? How are autonomous tasks programmed and uploaded onto the drone? How do you program a drone to survey an object or acquire a target? You will learn how to develop these capabilities in a simulation environment and practice accomplishing them with an actual Tello drone as well.

CSCI 171: Intro to Programming (4 SH, GESN)

Focus on fundamental concepts of problem solving by analyzing problems and using a computer language Python as a tool to design, code, document, test solutions, learned through textbook study, 讲座, 例子, considerable practice in the computer science programming laboratory. Professional approaches are emphasized.  

ENGR 160:  Intro to Engineering Profession (3 SH, GESN)

Exploration of engineering, including fields of engineering. A study of the various types of engineering involved in the design of a drone for example: mechanical, electrical, civil and computer engineering. Engineering topics such as aerodynamics, airfoil design, static and dynamic stability, communication protocols, project management, CAD design, modeling, computing, fabrication, ethical issues.

GEN 101 DD: Integrated Learning Course (3 SH)

This foundational course serves to help you not only survive college, but thrive. You will explore ideas about practicing and demonstrating critical thinking, scientific research, scientific writing. You will also learn about learning strategies, time management, study skills. As part of each FYE program, this course develops skills that will help you find success as an undergraduate.